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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Career advice for newbies and veterans alike

Just starting out? Looking to make a change? Your success depends on traits and talents that may not be obvious. Try this advice:

• Identify your real skills and strengths. Target what you’re best at—not just the classes you got good grades in, or the jobs you’ve done successfully, but the underlying skills they represent: planning, creativity, persistence, and so forth. These will help you prove your abilities in any job you take.

• Find your passion. You’ll perform best at work you feel strongly about for an organization you can believe in. Be willing to experiment and move around in search of the right job, but when you find it, devote your energy to doing your best work.

• Market yourself. Don’t be shy about letting managers and co-workers know what you can do, and what you’ve accomplished. You don’t have to brag, as long as you’re honest about your abilities and willing to help other people as needed.

• Find a mentor—and be one. Find an impartial mentor for your career who can offer objective advice, feedback, and coaching. Be ready to do the same for the people you meet who might similarly benefit from your experience and expertise. It’s a great way to expand your network.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Neck Rule

Getting a nasty bug is never a lot of fun and as well as causing cough, sneezes and snorts also messes with your ability to put in good day’s work, get a good night’s sleep, and have a decent workout. So how long after you start to feel better can you can go back to pounding the pavement, swinging the clubs and hitting the weights?

The general rule tends to depend on how your body was affected by the bug. Anything above the neck tends not to be too much of a worry, such as a scratchy throat or a runny nose (with the obvious exception of swollen glands or a really horrible sore throat). Anything below the neck however, such as stomach symptoms, fever, and body aches, should take a bit more time to get over.

In any event, when you are feeling a little better you should still do not much more than warm up exercises; a bit of stretching or walking, perhaps. Anything more strenuous too soon and you risk making yourself ill again. 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Teaching Your Children to be Thankful

It’s no secret that thankful children are happier and more polite but raising children to be thankful for all they have is more important than making more pleasant kids – it’s about teaching them to be caring and sensitive to the feelings of others.

While some may feel that toddlers are a bit young to learn gratitude, children as young as 18 months can start to grasp that concept. They know that they are dependent on mommy and daddy to take care of their needs and those needs being taken care of make them happy and they begin to, even at that very young age, appreciate it.

Teaching children to be thankful can be done easily enough. They imitate the adults around them – especially parents – so be sure to use words like “please” and “thank you” often. Good manners lead to sincere gratitude. Here are few ways to teach your children to be thankful:

  • Have your children help with chores and tasks around the house. Give your child a chore that he or she can handle and avoid the temptation to jump and finish it for them. By allowing them to do simple things around the house they learn to appreciate what we as parents do.
  • Have your child help with a charitable project. This doesn’t mean take them to the soup kitchen on a regular basis. A nice project could be making a cake or soup for a sick neighbor.
  • Teach your children, and encourage them, to be generous. If they have several old toys that they don’t play with anymore, or clothes that they have outgrown but are still in good shape have them donate them to Goodwill.
  • Learn to say no. All of our children want something new every time we turn around. But we aren’t teaching them anything if we say “yes” to everything they ask for. Learning to say no for every request and only saying yes to special things will teach your children to be grateful for what they get and what they have.

Teaching children to be thankful can be tricky but it must be done in order to help them become better functioning adults.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Bend, don't break: Dealing with inflexible colleagues

Some people seem unable to see issues from any point of view but their own. Whether they work for you or you work for them, their inflexibility can be a roadblock to your success. Here’s how to work together in harmony:

• Listen. Give your complete attention to the other person, and show you understand by paraphrasing what he or she says.

• Focus on the other person’s position, not your own. Resist the urge to argue. Instead, build some good will by showing how you’re trying to understand his or her perspective.

• Agree when you can. Most of the time you should be able to find common ground. Use this to build the basis for a reasonable discussion.

• Disagree with tact. Stand your ground when necessary, but try to disagree without creating more tension. Explain your own point of view in positive language.

• Show some flexibility yourself. Don’t adopt an inflexible stance of your own in response to someone else’s tough attitude. Remind yourself to stay open-minded at all times.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Make your skin glow with simple food tips

85% of teenagers and around 50% of adults are affected by acne. There is overwhelming evidence suggesting a link between diet and skin health, and skin health can be improved tremendously by a healthy diet.

One good tip is to cut down on your intake of refined sugar. Even beverages we think of as being healthy tend to have a lot of sugar, which causes a rise in the production of androgen and fat hormones. Curb your sweet tooth by indulging in fruit smoothies, which both cuts down on your sugar intake and increases your intake of fruit.

Eating more fruits and vegetables is vital. They are high in a number of vital nutrients, antioxidants, fiber and phytochemicals that makes them great for the promotion of healthy skin. Plants contain antioxidants that fight free radicals and help to cut down not just on acne but on inflammation and even on signs of ageing.

Hiring Passionate and Motivated Teachers... Sound like you?

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Watch your vocabulary while on the job

Words have power, and what you say to your boss and your co-workers can have a huge impact on your job and career. You’ll get ahead by choosing your words carefully. Here’s what to say loudly, and what to avoid:

• Do say: “What should I do differently?” Use the feedback to improve your performance and show your commitment to helping your employer.

Don’t say: “That’s impossible.” You don’t want a reputation for being incapable. As long as no one asks you to break the law or violate physics, take an “I can do this” approach to all your assignments.

• Do say: “Try, try again.” Learn to shake off your defeats and setbacks and move on. This shows a positive attitude and a willingness to take chances.

Don’t say: “It’s not fair.” Whining will get you nowhere in your career. If you have a legitimate problem to discuss, stay calm and deal with the business issues, not your personal gripes.

• Do say: “How can I add value?” Instead of waiting for instructions from your boss, take some initiative. Be on the lookout for ways to use your skills and talents to improve products, procedures, and the culture of your organization.

Don’t say: “We’ve always done it like this.” Show your flexibility and willingness to adapt to new situations. Organizations need creativity to survive. If you’re obsessed with the tried and true, managers won’t look to you for ideas and career potential.

• Do say: “I can do more.” Get organized and manage your time effectively. When you’re not distracted by irrelevant activities, you’ll be more productive. Managers who notice that you get more accom­plished than your colleagues will learn to depend on your abilities and enthusiasm.

Monday, November 11, 2013

How to Choose or Direct Your Child Towards a Good Role Model

November is National Inspirational Role Models month so I thought you would like the following article:

We all have had at least one role model in our lives. Role models are important to our psychological well-being because they help us guide us through certain decision making processes that can ultimately affect the outcome of our lives. Children often have many choices when it comes to choosing role models – most often their first role models are parents followed by other adults and relatives, such as teachers.

Role models should be a point of inspiration and give us an idea of how we should behave no matter the situation. This is why it’s very important for a potential role model provide good behavior – behavior that children can imitate without repercussion. There are many choices when children are younger, however as they grow older it can become more difficult for good role models to be found.

Helping your child choose a role model involves finding a person who has good morals, doesn’t take part in behavior that is self-destructive, is hard working, creative and free thinking. And yes it’s true that you can’t pick the role model your child emulates, you can do your part to make sure they are exposed to the type of people who would make good role models to begin with.

Your child’s role model doesn’t have to be Superman or someone famous – in fact, a celebrity may not always be a good choice as many tend to indulge in self-destructing behavior or take part in behavior that is just unsavory to begin with. A good role model will be someone who is similar to you.

When your child has discovered that he or she has a role model, it’s important for you as the parent not to put this person on a pedestal. Role models are human and as such subject to failure and mistakes. You can recognize this person as a guide for the behavior you would like your child to imitate but not necessarily someone your child should act like exclusively.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

How to Deal with Sibling Rivalry

If you have children you have no doubt been confronted with sibling rivalry at least once. Dealing with sibling rivalry can be a challenge at times but you don’t always have to deal with the knockdown, drag outs that can come with it. Here are a few tips and tricks to make it easier.

First of all, you can stop the bickering by making sure each child has a few toys and other items that are theirs and theirs alone. This may seem like the opposite thing to do to stop children from fighting over things but it’s not. By establishing from the beginning that each child has things that only belong to him or her, you’re letting each child as well as the sibling know that they have territory that is theirs. But as important as it is for everyone to know that each person has their own property, it’s equally important for them to know that all other toys are fair game for everyone.
Jealousy is common among siblings – especially when you bring a new baby into your home. Toddlers who are about to become an older sibling will naturally become jealous of a new baby in the house that seems to suck up all of the attention. You can help your toddler be ready for a new baby by:

  • Spending time with other people’s babies and/or read books about the arrival of a new baby to the family. Take time to explain that there will be a new baby in the house and that your toddler is going to be a big brother or big sister and you will need his or help when the baby comes home.
  • Give your toddler a few “big brother” or “big sister” gifts when you bring the baby home from the hospital. It will not only take his or her mind off the new baby and the “fuss” that goes along with it, but it will also make them feel just a little extra special.
  • Never blame a change in plans on the baby. If a trip to the park has to be canceled or changed because it’s time for the baby’s nap time or meal, just tell your toddler that you’ll go to the park later and then try to switch his or her attention to a movie or other quiet indoor activity to take the attention off the change in plans.

Make sure both children know that they are loved equally and that nothing is going to change that.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Facts about dolphins

Dolphins are well known for a number of things, including their ability to communicate, their high level of intelligence, and their social nature. There are a number of endangered species of dolphins that have adapted to be able to live in unusual environments like the Amazon River.


Despite the fact that they live in water, dolphins are actually warm blooded animals that give birth to their young rather than lay eggs, show protective tendencies when being threatened by predators and live in groups. Dolphins tend to swim in pods of a dozen or more members and these pods often come together in order to form herds of hundreds of dolphins. If pods are threatened, the strongest dolphins will circle the herd in order to defend weaker members from predators like sharks. Dolphins will fight very fiercely in order to defend other members of their pod and have been known to win battles with sharks.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Motivation tips

Personal goals are very important. The focus we put into achieving a goal enables us to get much more from life in general as the determination, drive and resolution needed to achieve a goal will also foster success in other aspects of life. When you are able to overcome obstacles and reach your goal you will also be rewarded by a feeling of empowerment, satisfaction and endorphins that enhance your confidence and self-belief.


It can be hard to get started and to keep going but there are ways to stay motivated and inspired. One important tip is to keep living in the now while remaining positive and focusing on enjoying the journey. To this end you need to give yourself rewards while you are working toward your goal. Denying yourself things that you enjoy are only going to de-motivate you in the long run.

Friday, November 1, 2013

See if These Items Are on Your November Calendar!

National Native American Heritage Month. The indigenous peoples of North America— the First Americans—have woven rich and diverse threads into the tapestry of our nation’s heritage. National Native American Heritage Month recognizes their many accomplishments, contributions, and sacrifices.

American Diabetes Month. Nearly 26 million children and adults in the United States have diabetes, and another 79 million Americans are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes. Sponsored by the American Diabetes Association, this event seeks to promote a vision of a life free of diabetes and its burdens.

Historic Bridge Awareness Month. Established in 2006 by, which supports the preservation of America’s historic bridges and strongly advocates for the reform of surface transportation policy.

National Adoption Awareness Month. During November, states, communities, businesses, families, and individuals celebrate adoption as a positive way to build families. It also includes National Adoption Day (Nov. 17), which is observed in courthouses nationwide as thousands of adoptions are finalized simultaneously.

Avoid additional grief when you plan a funeral

Making funeral arrangements for a loved one is an unfortunate reality many of us will have to face in our lives, and most of us are unprepared for such a task when it happens. Here are some tips to help you stay calm and focused through the difficult process:


• Bring along a friend. A close friend with some emotional distance can help you examine funeral options objectively.


• Don’t rush. Even if your loved one has died suddenly, you’ll usually have a day or two to look over your options. Permit yourself some time to calm down before you call a mortuary.


• Compare prices. Get price lists from several funeral homes before you sit down with a funeral director. You’ll feel less pressured and more able to make a sound decision.


• Protect your privacy. You have the right to keep personal information to yourself. For example, don’t disclose the value of a loved one’s estate, death benefits, or insurance to a funeral home director. Keep your relationship businesslike.