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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Helping Kids Avoid Depression

Many teenagers suffer from depression, leading to eating disorders, self-harm and in some cases even suicide. The causes of depression in the young can be numerous, rangingemployment prospects, exam stress and family problems. In some cases however, depression is caused not by circumstance but by temperament and biology.

Academic pressure is also a big part of the problem in a world that seems obsessed with work. Adults can help children deal with this pressure by not adding to it. Make it clear that as long as your child does their best, the results are not something you care too much about. Tell your children that they are good enough just being who they are and never let others, be it their peers or teachers, define who they are as a human being. The most employable quality in the world is to have an individual mind, not to do well on an exam.

If your child is unhappy, accept it and validate it. Never tell them to just cheer up or refuse to accept the validity of their feelings. Make sure your children can tell you how they are really feeling, rather than have them keep it to themselves or feel guilty or ashamed about it, thus adding to their unhappiness. from cyber-bullying, grim 

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