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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Creative? Seek out surprises to feed your creativity

The “Eureka” moment is often a surprise—you see something you never noticed before, or look at a situation in an entirely new way. “Planning for surprise” may sound like an oxymoron, but you can arrange to be caught off guard by new insights if you make an effort. Here’s how to cultivate a sense of never-ending surprise in your life:

• Pay attention to everything around you. As you go through your day, try to recognize when things are surprising—then focus your energy on exploring them. Notice why you perceive or experience something as being different. Explore the essence of the objects around you. Focus more intently on what you taste, read, and see. Adopt the attitude that you can learn something about whatever you see or experience. If you think you already know everything about the world, you won’t be able to enrich your life through observation and learning.

• Surprise someone every day. Say or do something new or different. Veer away from your routine. Talk about a movie or book you’ve never discussed. Voice your opinion about something you’ve kept quiet about before. Change your hairstyle or wear something that is out of the ordinary for you.

• Keep a journal of surprising events. Make a record of when you surprised others and when you yourself were surprised. This will make your experiences less fleeting. When you write these experiences and thoughts down, you prevent them from being lost in just a few hours when you can’t remember them, and eventually you may see a pattern you had not noticed before. From this you may find a path to explore that you hadn’t previously noticed. And you may encourage the flow of creativity in your life.

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